Monitor shoreline changes using remote sensing in coastal areas of Oman from the Chabahar to port Tang


Monitoring the various features of coastal areas, including changes in the coastline, one of the main factors for the efficient use of natural resources and their sustainable management. To this end, new approaches such as the use of satellite data and image processing  techniques, could be an ideal method, because it saves on time, money and other resources.
Coastal geomorphology is the study of the dynamic interface between the ocean and the land, incorporating both the physical geography (i.e. coastal geomorphology, geology and oceanography) and the human geography (sociology and history) of the coast. It involves an understanding of coastal weathering processes, particularly wave action, sediment movement and weather, and also the ways in which humans interact with the coast. The main physical Weathering process on beaches is salt-crystal growth. Wind carries salt spray onto rocks, where it is absorbed into small pores and cracks within the rocks. There the water evaporates and the salt crystallises, creating pressure and often breaking down the rock. In some beaches calcium carbonate is able to bind together other sediments to form beachrock and in warmer areas dunerock. Wind erosion is also a form of erosion, dust and sand is carried caround in the air and slowly erodes rock, this happens in a similar way in the sea were the salt and sand is washed up onto the rocks.
In this study, data from satellite sensors TM, ETM, OLI dated 1988, 1998, 2008, 2015 were used, prior to the use of data, geometric and radiometric corrections were made on them.­Then, beginning with the help of maps and documents, regional (Chabahar to narrow coastline) were identified. The method of classification of images, changes in the coastline for the study was determined intervals.
Result and discussion
The results showed that the method-classification capabilities for monitoring changes coastline. Using the results of the classification of the images showed that the coastline of the study area during the study period (30 years old), is subject to significant fluctuations. The greatest changes during the three periods examined for regression of coastline, or a class of water to drought and most of these changes are sandy beaches. So that during the first period (1988-1998), 67/1 kilometers drought class to class in the same period, the water has become, 75/8 kilometers grade water to drought. During the second period (1998-2008), 58/6 square km of land, water has become the class. During the same period, 2/260 square kilometer water to drought class has become. During the third period (2008-2015), the 7 square kilometers of water into the soil class in the same period, the amount of water to land conversion is 12 km from the class. Changes coastline this area has been the result of human-activity. So that most of the changes in the city of Chabahar, Konarak and ports and docks in the coastal area of ​​this area has been created.
